Erie 2022

Transit Knowledge Sharing Retreat

Bayfront Convention Center

Erie, Pennsylvania

- June 15-16, 2022 -

Hosted by the Northwest Pennsylvania Mobility Alliance, Inc

in partnership with:

Retreat Presentations

  • Best Practices and Hot topics with Federal Procurement

    Facilitated by National RTAP and RLS & Associates, Inc, this course will focus on Federal procurement requirements, developing a compliant procurement policy, micro, small, and large purchase requirements, System of Award Management (SAM) record checks, and procurement record keeping. Common compliance findings will be addressed along with corrective action best practices. The course will instruct participants how to complete best practice procurement forms and how to use the National RTAP procurement Pro system.

              Presentation, Video Recording 

  • Ride with Via

    Vendor sponsored content: Via

    Via helps agencies of all sizes modernize their transit offerings, from launching simple microtransit services to managing complex networks including fixed route, paratransit, and non-emergency medical transport services. Our technology can drive economic opportunity and transit equity while reducing congestion and emissions, all while slashing operational costs. Whether you need to optimize existing transit operations or build a new service from scratch, we’re ready to help your agency deliver next generation transportation for your riders.


  • Using Technology to Create a Healthy Bus Interior

    Vendor sponsored content: USSC Group

    This presentation will focus on topics including: The true cost of manual transit vehicle disinfection and cleaning efforts, Leveraging commercially available and proven technologies, Passive vs Active Purification and Beyond the Pandemic, Improving Safety and Quality of life for Riders and Operators


  • A Conversation on Mobility

    Vendor sponsored content: Ecolane

    Ecolane provides intelligent web-based transit scheduling software. With Powerful and intuitive demand-response platform, the software enables transit, allows for more productivity and efficiency, and outstanding customer satisfaction.


  • Propane Autogas for Paratransit Fleets

    Vendor sponsored content: Propane Education and Resource Council (PERC)

    Facilitated by the Propane Education and Resource Center (PERC) and Superior Energy, this session will be a conversation on the benefits of propane paratransit fleets, the comparison of propane to other fueling technologies and more. Superior Energy Systems will discuss the basics of propane Autogas infrastructure including cost, required equipment, installation steps, training and keys to a successful build and implementation. Peer transit managers from Michigan, Pennsylvania and more will discuss their roadmap to propane implementation.


  • A Conversation on Capital Project Initiation & Scoping

    Facilitated by National RTAP, this session is based heavily on the FTA’s Project and Construction Management Guidelines and Construction Project Management Handbook as well as the experience of construction project managers, this interactive presentation provides an overview of capital project initiation and scoping basics along with tips for effective capital project cost estimation and solicitation development. Attendees will be encouraged to share their transit construction successes and challenges and will participate in construction pricing and scope of work writing exercises. Attendees will obtain an improved understanding of how to successfully initiate a Transit capital project. 

              Presentations: Admin Building Justice Center Design, Optimizing Transit Construction Projects, Seneca Planning Engineering Architecture, The Art of Writing an RFP, Transit Planning-Engineering-Design RFP, Transportation-OES Complex

  • A Conversation on Technology Assessment and Integration

    Facilitated by the National Center for Applied Transit Technology (N-CATT), hear from industry experts and peer transit systems on how to determine what technologies you need, how to plan and implement technology in an ever-changing environment to meet the demands of you communities and maximize the productivity of your operations. This is an interactive session so come prepared with your questions.


  • A Conversation on Capital Project Funding

    Facilitated by National RTAP, this interactive session will detail techniques for writing competitive grants for capital project development. Attendees will complete a short writing exercise to rough out a basic transit grant project abstract and will break into small groups to discuss how best to overcome issues with pursuing/administering various Federal grants. Attendees will walk away with vital transit grant development handouts, resources, contacts, links to essential FTA transit grant regulation information, and an understanding of the most important elements to address in their transit capital grant application.

              Presentations: Capital Project Initiation & Scooping, Grant Proposal Development Process, Main Street Program Abstract, Project Profile Planning Worksheet, Project Funding

  • Get to Know Your Technical Resource Partners

    This interactive session is designed for attendees to learn about some of best associations and technical resource partners in the industry. Hear from the National Center for Mobility Management (NCMM), the National Center for Applied Transit Technology (N-CATT), the North American Bike Share Association (NABSA), the Shared Use Mobility Center (SUMC), the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC) and the National Rural Transit Assistance Program (NRTAP). These partners exist to support transit and mobility options throughout the country. Learn, ask questions, and hear about exciting projects, initiatives, grant opportunities and more.


  • Opening Remarks/ Rapid-Fire Intros

    This session will officially welcome all attendees to the Retreat. After some opening remarks and

    housekeeping from our hosts, we will move into the Rapid-Fire Intros. All vendors will submit 1 single PowerPoint slide in advance that will be used as an introduction to the audience. Every 60 seconds a new slide will be displayed, and that vendor will have 60 seconds to introduce themselves and provide quick highlights on their company/product/service or other relevant information. This session is intended to provide all attendees an opportunity to see who is here at the Retreat so you can maximize your time with vendors and partners you need to meet with. This is going to be fun!


  • Planning Your Route to Bus Electrification

    Facilitated by NCATT. Converting to a battery-electric bus (BEB) fleet is a complex process that requires answers to several questions before even getting started. Transit agencies who have already begun incorporating BEBs into their fleets have learned several lessons and gained significant insights into the process and considerations that peer agencies should address at the beginning of their process. The National Center for Applied Transit Technology (NCATT) will facilitate a conversation with peer systems that have embarked on BEB to help attendees with lessons learned, share insights and important information on how to proceed.


  • A Triple Sized Conversation on the "M's": Mobility Management, Mobility as a Service and Micromobility

    This session is so big we had to block 3 hours off! Facilitated by the National Center for Mobility Management (NCMM) the Shared Use Mobility Center (SUMC), and the North American Bikeshare and Scooter Share Association (NABSA).

         An overview of Micromobility with real-world examples from attendees

         An overview of Mobility as a Service with real-world examples from attendees

         An overview of Mobility Management with real-world examples from attendees

              Presentations: Mobility on Demand, PennDOT FMR, SUMC, Micro-Mobility POGOH, Micromobility Heartland, Micromobility NABSA, Mobility Management NCMM

  • Hot topics in ADA: Reasonable Modifications

    This session will be facilitated by the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC). ADA is a civil rights law prohibiting discrimination against persons with disabilities. How ADA regulations are implemented, and reasonable modifications for riders can create challenges for transit agencies. In this session, several scenarios related to the ADA and reasonable modifications will be discussed among the participants to come up with the best answer for the situation and for the consumer.


  • All Things National RTAP

    Do you know the magnitude of resources available at your fingertips from National RTAP? Come prepared to learn about how National RTAP can support your transit program through an extensive Research Library, e-learning tools, GTFS website builders, facilitated peer roundtables, ADA toolkits, Transit Manager toolkits and much more. Best part of all, the resources provided by National RTAP are free for your transit program to utilize. Come learn from National RTAP on all things National RTAP.

              Presentation, Video Recording

  • Lunch and Keynote Address: Transits role in Economic Development

    This session will feature topics related to Infrastructure and Transit. PennDOT Deputy Secretary of Multimodal Transportation Jennie Louwerse will present along with regional economic development leaders from Erie and Meadville to discuss economic development projects in Northwest Pennsylvania and how mobility is crucial to their success.


Retreat Photographs

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Technical Resource & Association Partners

Vendor Partners

  • Allison Transmission

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  • American Seating

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  • Avail Technologies

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  • Modern Bus Stuff

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  • Coach and Equipment Bus Manufacturing

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  • Creative Bus Sales

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  • Cummins

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  • Ecolane

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  • Garland Company

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  • Gillig

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  • Luminator

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  • Masabi

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  • Proterra

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  • Q Straint Sure Lock

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  • Roush Clean Tech

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  • Sharp Auto Gas

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  • Superior Energy

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  • TSI Video Surveillance

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