Myrtle Beach 2023

Transit Retreat

Marina Inn at Grande Dunes

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

- February 1-2, 2023 -

Retreat Presentations

  • A Conversation on Collaboration and Building Local Partnerships

  • A Conversation on Cyber Security for Transit Systems and Vehicle Technologies

  • A Conversation on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

    Facilitated by the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center. Hear about NADTC’s

    multipronged initiative to shine a light on transportation challenges that specifically impact diverse older adults, people with disabilities and caregivers, encompassing racial, ethnic and cultural diversity. View ways local transportation providers can increase efforts in their diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) work. NADTC’s transportation diversity, equity and inclusion session is a “can’t miss.”


  • A Conversation on Mobility Management and Coordination

  • A Conversation on What's New with ADA

  • A Conversation on Workforce Retention and Mentoring

    Facilitated by the Transit Workforce Center. Mentoring: A Great Route to Frontline Workforce Retention and Development. In this session, the Transit Workforce Center discussed and engaged with participants on the central role well-designed mentoring programs can play in agencies' efforts to attract, retain, and develop the frontline workforce.


  • Bikeshare and Micromobility in Rural and Small Urban communities

    Facilitated by SUMC and the NPMA, this interactive session will feature Peers that have successfully implemented bikeshare into their communities. Connections with Transit, localized efforts for funding and more will be discussed. It wouldn’t be a Transit Retreat without a dedicated sessions to our friends in Bikeshare!


  • Expanding Transit Beyond the Bus

    Facilitated CALSTART. With today’s ridership trends across the country and Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) continuing to rise, how can innovations beyond transit buses serve transit agencies? This session will focus on technologies and operational systems that can be incorporated into your systems. Topics

    include an Innovative Mobility Overview, Microtransit in Rural Communities and Going beyond the fare box with digital ticketing.


  • Get to Know Your Technical Assistance Centers and National Partners

    This interactive session was designed for attendees to learn about some of best associations and technical resource partners in the industry. Find out how these partners exist to support transit and mobility options throughout the country. 






  • How to pay for it all? Moving to Zero Emissions

    Facilitated by CALSTART. While there are numerous benefits in moving to zero-emissions, there are also significant costs associated with it. Learn about funding programs around the country that have been

    implemented, as well as federal funding opportunities and strategies including the Low-No Emission Grant Program, various state level programs and Utility programs.


  • NEMT in Pennsylvania – A History of Coordination

    Pennsylvania has long seen low cost, successful integration of NEMT and Transit. This does not come without struggle, innovation and community buy-in. Hear from PA-based Transit Managers as they highlight the history of NEMT in PA, the legislative battles to maintain localized control and how NEMT is integrated into transit operations throughout the Commonwealth.


  • Rapid Fire Vendor Intros

  • Vendor Sponsored Content: Avail Technologies

  • Vendor Sponsored Content: Ecolane

    Ecolane provides intelligent web-based transit scheduling software. With Powerful and intuitive demand-response platform, the software enables transit, allows for more productivity and efficiency, and outstanding customer satisfaction.


  • Vendor Sponsored Content: Modeshift

  • Vendor Sponsored Content: Propane Education and Resource Center

  • Vendor Sponsored Content : TSI Video

    Best practices for a well-maintained onboard video surveillance system -  Sponsored by TSI Video. 

    Continuous advancements in technology means that virtually every video surveillance vendor in the industry can provide your system with high quality video... that is the easy part. Adopting a well-defined process for maintenance and training will ensure that your onboard video system is working properly when needed. 


Retreat Photographs

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Anchor Partners

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Technical Assistance & Association Partners

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